What is Class based Randomization and how do we define ?
In SystemVerilog, we need to specify the keyword "rand" or "randc" to generate class variables randomly.
Below, we can see an small example defined
class game;
rand bit [2:0] dice; // using randomization we can have 8-possible values
bit [9:0] money; // This variable is not random
// Apply in-line constraints to generate dice values within a particular range
constraint dice_values { dice inside {[1:5]}; }
//*** To generate the above class variables use randomize() method.
module top;
game game_h; // class game handle defined
initial begin
game_h = new(); // generate the class game by allocating memory
if (!game_h.randomize())
$fatal (1, "Game::randomize() failed");
$display("Rolled a %0d", game_h.dice);
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